Faculty of Siddha Medicine

World’s Diabetic Day

On behalf of World Diabetic Day 2023, exhibition on diabetic was conducted at unit of Siddha medicine  University of Jaffna on 2nd December 2023, Saturday from 9.00a.m to 12.30p.m
For this exhibition altogether 51 beneficiaries from public including Kaithady – elders home members,Jaffna diabetic Association members  had visited and benefited from this event.
Our Gunapadam department have actively participated and created awareness to the public through  PowerPoint presentation, banners  and by exhibiting nurseries of medicinal plants used in diabetic disorder. About 40  different species of Green Leaves are exhibited as nurseries and explained about their valuable uses. Some medicinal plants useful in treatment of diabeties are also exhibited and explained with simple home remedies. Dry herbs were also exhibited. Diet Regimen based on medicinal plants was also explained to the public to promote their healthy life. This Program was organised by gunapadam department lecturers and guided by demonstrators for the 38th BSMS students. The program was successful.

The Unit of Siddha Medicine organized an awareness program on Neerilivu during the celebration of World Diabetic at Unit of Siddha Medicine on 06th December 2023 from 09.00 am to 01.00 pm. The Proposed Department of Noi Naadal Chikitchai were contributed to the awareness, and 04 lecturers and one Assistant lecturer guided the students prepare for the awareness program. 10 students from the third BSMS, 15 students from the fourth BSMS and 10 students from Final BSMS actively contributed to the awareness of Noi Naadal Chikitchai section. The awareness were given through Power Point presentation, video presentation and discussion with the audience. More than 50 patients were benefited through this program.
The following matters were included in the awareness program.

  1. Introduction about Neerilivu, causes, clincal features, warning signs in un-identified Neerilivu, complications of Neerilivu
  2. Management for Neerilivu were explained with simple home remedies.
  3. Food pattern for Neerilivu

The Proposed Department of Noi Naadal Chikitchai, Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna organized an awareness program on Neerilivu during the celebration of World Diabetic at State Elders’ Home, Kaithady on 14th November 2023 from 09.00 am to 12.30 pm. 04 lecturers and 45 students from third to final BSMS students participated in the program. Over 50 senior citizens were benefited through this program.
The following matters were included in the awareness program.

  1. Introduction about Neerilivu, causes, clincal features, warning signs in un-identified Neerilivu, complications of Neerilivu
  2. Management for Neerilivu were explained with simple home remedies.
  3. Food pattern for Neerilivu
  4. Simple exercises for Neerilivu
  5. Relaxation exercises

Samooka nala mruthuvam of Unit of Siddha Medicine has conducted awareness program on “Diabetes and Traditional foods” at unit of Siddha Medicine University of Jaffna on 2nd of December 2023 for the world diabetic week 2023. Different varieties of rice, small milletes, cereals, fruits and vegetables, Palmyra products, deiry products and medicinaly important yams were dexhibitted there.Benifits of these foods , preparation of foods and how these foods prevent or control the Diabetes were explained by the BSMS students .