Faculty of Siddha Medicine

Dr(Mrs)Thilageswary Kumutharanjan

DAMS (Hon), MD (Maruthuvam) India,PhD (Sri Lanka) Grant from NCAS, Colombo.                                 

Senior Lecturer Gr I                                                                                                                                                                            

Mobile: 0777049458

Resi : 0212263534                                                                                                                                         


TeachingAcademic QualificationResearch

Research Presentation – National and International

  1. Kumutharanjan, T. “Usage of Cumin seed chooranam in Gulma patients (peptic ulcer) during war situation “National conference on Regional Development, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka 2011.
  2. Kumutharanjan, T. “The assessment of curing effect of Neeliyathi thailam on those affected by Dandruff” International conference on Synchronizing Management Theories abd Business practices: Challenges, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidamparam, Tamil Nadu, India. 2012.
  3. Kumutharanjan, T. “Study of Marsilea quadrifolia (Aaraikeerai) kashsya in Neerilivu Noi (Diabetes mellitus)”. International symposium, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.2012.
  4. Kumutharanjan, T. “Study on the efficacy of Peenisa thailam on patients suffering from Peenisa Noi at Vadamaradchy south west Piradeshasabah. Pandit G.P.Wickramarachchi Memorial International Research symposium,University of Kelaniya.2012.
  5. Kumutharanjan, T. “The Study on the efficacy of Vilvam Pinchu Kalkam( Tender unripe fruit of Aefle marmelos) on Gulma patients(Peptic ulcer)”. International symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.2013.
  6. Kumutharanjan, T. “Efficacy of Parankippaddai chooranam and Karappan thailam in Karappan noi(Eczema)” International conference of Eastern University of Sri Lanka.2013.
  7. Kumutharanjan, T. “The assessment of curing effect of Mathumeha chooranam on those affected by Mathumeha disease (Diabetes mellitus)”. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume3, Issue1, January 2013.
  8. Kumutharanjan, T. “The Study on the efficacy of Nillavarai chooranam and Piramathandu oil on people suffering from Kalanjagappadai Noi (psoriasis)”. 1st International conference on Unani, Ayurvedia, Siddha and Traditional Medicine. Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Coiombo, Rajagiriya. 2013.
  9. Kumutharanjan, T. “Study on the efficacy of Karunai Kizangu thandu chooranam (Typhonium trilobatum) on clinical patients suffering fromMoola Noi (Haemorrhoids) at vadamaradchy area, Jaffna. International symposium, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.2013.
  10. Kumutharanjan,T. “Study on the efficacy of Pinda thailam on Muhapparu (Acne vulgaris)” 1st International symposium on Traditional Medicine,Graduate studies Division, Gampaha Wichramarachchi Ayurvedha Institute,
  11. K, Sivakanesan. R and V. Arasaratnam. “Antioxidant activity of ingredients of “mathumehachooranam”,a drug used for the      treatment of  diabetes mellitus in siddha system of medicine” Jaffna university international research conference juice – 2014       “accelerated regional development”University of Jaffna, Srilanka 18- 19 December 2014.
  12. K, Sivakanesan. R and V. Arasaratnam. “Total phenolic content in aqueous extracts   of Terminalia chebula stored for 6thmonths under room temperature and 4oC”.3rd international Conference of Eastern University, Sri Lanka – 2014.
  13. K, Sivakanesan. R and V. Arasaratnam. “Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of the Leaf of Gymnemasylvestrae stored for six month under 40C and Room temperature”2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine – 2014 and AYU – EXPO, Sri Lanka.
  14. K, Sivakanesan. R and V. Arasaratnam. “Antioxidant Activity of Ingredients of Mathumeha chooranam, used in Mathumeham (Diabetes mellitus)” International Research Conference2014General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.
  15. K, Sivakanesan. R and V. Arasaratnam. “Total phenolic content and Antioxidant Activity of Phyllanthus emblica Stored for Six Months at 4oC and Room Temperature “ Annual Research Symposium of NCAS – 2015 (8th – 9th June 2015).
  16. K, Sivakanesan. R and V. Arasaratnam. “Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of terminalia chebula stored for six months at room temperature and at 4C General Sir John kotelawala defence university 8th international research conference 27 and 28 august 2015.
  17. K, Sivakanesan. R and V. Arasaratnam “Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of Murraya Koenigii stored for six months at room temperature and at 4C”. 3rd International Confernce on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine (ICAUST 2015).
  18. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy, A, (2016). “Antioxidant Activity of Phyllanthus emblica Stored for Six Month in different storage condition’ using 1, 1- diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay ‘Proceeding of Jaffna Science Association. Abstracts of Research papers, Volume: 23, No, 01,23rd Annual Sessions.pp-29.
  19. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy, A. (2016). “Antioxidant Activity of aqueous extracts of  Terminalia chebula stored for six month under room temperature and 4oC” using 1, 1- diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay”. Towards a Greener Future ‘3rd International Conference , University of Jaffna.pp-64.
  20. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., &Vasanthy, A. (2016). “Hypoglycemic and Antioxidant activity of the ‘Siddha Medical Preparation’ ‘Mathumeha Chooranam’ in patients with Diabetic mellitus”. (ICRTESM) International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science and Management Madurai, India.pp-249-255.
  21. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., &Vasanthy, A. (2016). “Antioxidant Activity of the Leaf of Gymnema sylvestrae stored for six month in different storage condition under 40C and Room temperature using 1, 1- diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay”. 1st International Conference of Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University of Sri Lanka.pp-69.
  22. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy, A. (2016). “Antioxidant Activity of the Leaf of Murraya koenigii stored for six months at Room temperature and at 4C using 1, 1- diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay”. 2nd International Conference, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka. Pp-184.
  23. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy, A. (2016). “Efficacy of the Siddha medical preparation “Mathumeha chooranam” in patients with diabetes mellitus”. Annual Research Symposium of NCAS. Pp-13.
  24. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy, A. (2016). “Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of fruit of phyllanthus emblica stored for six months at room temperature and at 4oC using 1, 1- diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay”. International Conference of University of Peradeniya, Sri-Lanka. (iPURSE).pp-371.
  25. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy, A. (2016). “DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity of Mathumeha chooranam used in diabetes mellitus type 11 stored for six months in different storage condition”. .Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine International Research Conference (AYU – EXPO) pp-109.
  26. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy A., (2017). “Serum antioxidant activity of Mathumeha chooranam (MMC) on diabetes mellitus type 11”. Proceedings of National Research Conference& Exhibition on Indigenous medicine.
  27. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy A., (2017). “Hypoglycemic and Hypolipedemic effect of Siddha Medical preparation Mathumeha chooranam (MMC) on diabetes mellitus type 11”. International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology” Chennai, India.
  28. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy A. (2017). “Hypolipedemic effect of Siddha Medical preparation Mathumeha chooranam (MMC) on diabetes mellitus type II”. Annamalai University, Annamalainagar India.

Papers In Journals

  1. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy, A. (2015). Total phenolic content of ‘Mathumeha chooranam’ stored for six months at 4C and room temperature International Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Engineering Volume 1, Issue 9, September 2015 (ISSN: 2394 – 6598).
  2. Thilageswary, K., Sivakanesan, R., & Vasanthy, A.( 2015). Total phenolic content in Aqueous extracts of Murraya koenigii stored for six months at Room temperature and at 4C International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication volume 5, issue 2, February 2015. (ISSN 2250-3153).

News Paper Publication

1)  Articles regarding specialty of herbs (Moolihaihalin Mahathuvam) since 2011……on Thinnakkutal News paper, Sri Lanka.

2) Articles regarding Medicinal uses of flowers ( Malarhalin Maruthuvam) From 4.04.2010 to 13.05.2012 on Thinnakkutal News paper, Sri Lanka.

3) Articles regarding Home remedy for various diseases ( Noihadku Siddha Pariharam) from 20.09.2009 to 13.05.2012 on Veerakesari  News paper, Sri Lanka.

4) Articles regarding Medicinal food for Various Diseases (Udal upaathihadkutiya unnvu murai)from 20.05.2012 to 31.09.2013 on Veerakesari  News paper, Sri Lanka.

5) A talk about diseases and its management in Arokium weekly program at Sri Lanka Broad Cast Corporation From 26.12.2017.

Book Publications

1) Siddha Moola Thathuvam (Part -1)( Fundamentals of Siddha Medicine ) on 2001- December.

    Reprint on January- 2011.

2) Manaigil oor Maruthuvam (Home remedy for Diseases)  April- 2008.

3) Siddha Vythiyam (Part 1)( Siddha Medicine) April- 2010.

4) Malarhalin Maruthuvam ( Medicinal uses of flowers) October- 2014.

5) Noikadku Siddha Pariharam (Diseases and its management) on October 2017.

Now  reading PhD. The Title is Hypoglycemic and antioxidant activity of the Siddha medical preparation “Mathumeha chooranam” in patients with diabetes mellitus.