Faculty of Siddha Medicine

Academic programmes involving research activity

BSMS degree programme includes Research methodology and statistics as a part of the subject in Samooganala Maruthuvam (CommunityMedicine) since 2010. All candidates are required to submit a report of short term research activity carried out as a partial fulfillment of 4th BSMS degree programme.

Research activities at unit of Siddha medicine were started with the commencement of Master of Philosophy since 1991. For the first time in the history of Siddha system of medicine in Sri Lanka, a Master of Philosophy (Siddha medicine), post graduate degree programme was initiated and conducted by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jaffna with the intention of providing opportunity to fulfill the required educational qualifications for the academic staff and medical staff of Siddha hospital.

At present, Senior lecturers are engaged in basic and applied research activities. Two senior lecturers are registered themselves at University of Peradeniya for their Doctor of philosophy research studies, and one probationary lecturer registered for M’Phil leading to PhD pragramme at University of Jaffna.