Faculty of Siddha Medicine

Report on the Visit to India – 2nd International conference of William Research Center, Kanniyakumari

A team comprising Dr. (Mrs.)T. Thayalini, Dr. (Mrs.) S.Pancharajah, and Dr. T. Vijayakumar from Unit of Siddha Medicine had a visit to India to participate and present research papers at the 2nd International conference which was organized by William Research Center, Kanniyakumari, India on 11th to 13th of December 2019.

The presentations received appreciations and the three were honored with the following awards,

1. Dr. (Mrs.)T. Thayalini –  Best faculty award in Siddha

2.Dr. (Mrs.)S. Pancharaja-  Best faculty award in Siddha

3.Dr. T. Vijayakumar  – Best award in Pharmacy


Click to view the Photos related to the Visit to India 2019


During the conference these team members of USM met many eminent professors from various fields of Siddha Medicine and made contacts. They also visited many higher educational institutions in Siddha Medicine and discussed the development of Siddha Medicine with them.

1. Varma centre –It is situated within the Premises of Vevekanantha Kendra, Kanniyakumari and they treat patients. They are willing to conduct seminars/workshops on Varma therapy to Siddha physicians.

2. Thanjavoor Tamil University – A Siddha department is functioning under the faculty of Science at this University. They offer M.Phil and Ph.D in Siddha Medicine. A well-established research laboratory is available to do research. The team had discussion with the Head of the Department, Dr. Parathajothi and discussed about the postgraduate studies. After signing the MOU they can allow our graduates to do the postgraduate studies in different fields of Siddha Medicine. The Thanjavoor Tamil University has yoga and manuscriptology sections also. At last the team met the Vice chancellor Prof. K.Balasubramanian and discussed about the MOU between the two Universities. He has given his consent to sign the MOU with the University of Jaffna.

3. Visit to Thanjai Saraswathi Mahal Museum and Library.

  • The team observed the plan of the said museum to build “Pathinen siddhar kalaikovil” and museum in newly purchased land at Kaithady similar to Thanjai saraswathi mahal museum. At the central, God shiva statue will be placed and around it 18 siddhars statues and an agasthiyar statue will be placed with small name boards.
  • The team met the Library in-charge Pandit Manimaran and also there is a manuscriptology section. He is willing to give the training/workshop to preserve and reading the siddha palm ola manuscripts and they are conducting courses in manuscriptology as well. They welcome our Siddha doctors to follow the courses.
  • The team purchased Siddha books and posted by air mail registered to the address of Jaffna University. These books are very essential to Siddha students, Lecturers as well as siddha doctors.

4. Visited to the Govt. Siddha Medical College, Pallayankotti, Thirunelvely and met Dr. Manoharan, Acting Principal and Head of the section of Pothumaruthuvam. This college is affiliated with the MGR University, Madras. They offer 3 years MD Course at the Palayankottai.

5. With the prior permission of Competent Authority 69 types of Siddha books were purchased which were published by the Thanjai Saraswathi mahal. The team express our gratitude and thank the Competent Authority for giving duty leave to present paper at the Conference and purchase valuable siddha books by giving advance. The librarian and Bursar took steps to purchase the Siddha Books at India. These books are treasure for Siddha students. Finally the team strongly believe that the students and doctors can utilize and enhance their knowledge by doing post graduation in frontier Universities having specialization in Siddha Medicine in India as well as by interacting with the experts of various disciplines. This would be helpful to develop Siddha medicine under the University of Jaffna and could serve to the society with Siddha medicine.

The team returned to Siddha Medicine on 20.12.2019.