Faculty of Siddha Medicine

Post of Temporary Assistant Lecturer/ Demonstrator

Unit of Siddha Medicine

University of Jaffna will entertain applications to reach us on or before 27.10.2023 from qualified Sri Lankan Nationals for the under mentioned Temporary posts.

  • Temporary Assistant Lecturer / Temporary Demonstrator in Siddha Medicine

Minimum Requirements/Qualifications:

  • A BSMS Degree with First Class or Second Class (Upper Division) Honours;
  • A BSMS Degree with Second Class (Lower Division) Honours;
  • A BSMS Degree with Normal pass
    A recognized postgraduate degree in the relevant Disciple

Note: Candidates who are waiting for the internship after the completion of the final BSMS examinations may also apply for the post of Temporary Demonstrator.


  • Temp. Demonstrator – Rs. 40, 920/- p.m (Fixed)
  • Temp. Assistant Lecturer – Rs. 49,860/- p.m (Fixed)

In addition to the above salary, the allowances approved by University Grants Commission applicable to the posts will also be paid.


Applicants are hereby requested to apply online using the above link on or before 27.10.2023. The downloaded application form (you will get it to your email from which you sent the Google form) signed by the candidate along with the original paid Bank Slip for the deposit of a sum of Rs.100/- credited to any branch of the People’s Bank in favour of University of Jaffna Collection Account Number: 970000090000387 and the photocopies of relevant educational and service certificates to be posted to the below mentioned address: Deputy Registrar, Academic Establishments, University of Jaffna, Post-box. 57, Ramanathan Road, Thirunelvely, Jaffna by mentioning “Application for Temporary Position, Unit of Siddha Medicine” in the left hand corner of the envelope to reach the above address on or before 27.10.2023.

Submission of Applications will not be entertained in person. Please note that payments cannot be made via online for this purpose and eligible candidates will receive the interview letter only via email.

Those who wish to apply for more than one post should submit separate application for each.

Applicants from the University System/Government Departments/Corporations and Statutory Board should channel their applications through the Head of respective Institutions. Illegible, incomplete and late applications received by post after deadline even though the applicant has submitted online application will be rejected without intimation. Only short-listed applicants will be called for an interview.

University of Jaffna.