Faculty of Siddha Medicine


“Healthy life through Siddha Medicine”

2nd International Research Conference and Exhibition on

Siddha Medicine (2nd IRCESM- 2020)

5th – 8th of March 2020

Jointly Organized by Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna     and

Department of Indigenous Medicine Northern Province


The Indigenous system of Medicine in Sri Lanka consists of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Homeopathy and Traditional medicine. The Siddha Medicine is the mother of traditional medical system of Tamils which came through the Dravidian culture in the period of the Indus valley civilization. The history of Siddha Medicine says that it was established by Lord Shiva and this knowledge passed through Parvathy and the sage Agasthyar. Agasthyar described this knowledge to 18 Siddhars and they spread this knowledge to human beings by the Kurukulakalvi (ancient education). Sage Agasthyar is called as the father of Siddha Medicine. In Jaffna, It is believed that the Siddha System was originated since the era of Indus valley civilization. John Muththaiyapillai quoted in his “Siddha Vaithiya Chikitsai Kiramum,” according to “Yazhpana Vaipava Vimarsanam” stated that, the Siddha Medicine was originated in “Singai nagar” (Katkovalam) which is located in the Point pedro during the period of Arya Emperor. Later it was Shifted Singai Nagar at Nallur Rasathani. There was Tamil Vaithiya Pandit Saba (Society of Tamil Medical expert) was established and they collected and compiled all the “Vaithiya Sasthiras” which were available during the period. It was named the kings of Pararajesekaram and Sekarajasekaram were the kings at that time and launched at the Kings Saba by the Vaithiya Society. Now these two books are the Treasures of the Siddha Medicine.

The First Siddha Ayurveda Medical College was established by Mr. J. Bastiampillai in 1925 at Jaffna.  These system was established along with Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine in 1977 at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. At the request of Tamil educationalists, the Siddha section was transferred to University of Jaffna from the IIM, University of Colombo on 2nd of July 1984 as a department under the Faculty of Arts. The department of Siddha Medicine commenced its academic functions at Kaithady .The department of Siddha Medicine became as a separate Unit under the direct administration of the Vice Chancellor since 1st of October 1993. The Board of Management to the Unit of Siddha Medicine was established in 2003 to make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor on matters pertaining to academic, administration, rehabilitation, and reconstruction and students welfare. Now Steps were taken to upgrade the Unit of Siddha Medicine as a Faculty of Siddha Medicine.  The Unit is producing competent Siddha Graduates. These Graduates are getting the employment as Medical Officers in Siddha Ayurvedic Hospitals in Sri Lanka. 1st Conference and Exhibition was conducted in National level in 2017 followed by 2nd was organized as an international level. Both of conferences were organized jointly with the Department of Indigenous Medicine, Northern Province. Further, Unit of Siddha Medicine has started to release newsletter once in year since 2017. The staff of Unit of Siddha Medicine have decided to conduct second International Research Conference and Exhibition on Siddha Medicine in 5th – 8th of March 2020. This will provide a platform for enhancement of the knowledge and dissemination of the research findings of the students, Siddha Physicians and academics from different fields. Further, it will help to strengthen and collaborate with Traditional physicians and Researchers who are in National and international Universities.

Specific objectives

  1. To enhance the knowledge of Indigenous Medicine among the medical practitioners.
  2. To disseminate their research finding of the researchers in different fields
  3. To create the platform to the academics, students and practitioners to present their papers
  4. To collaborate with other fields for enhancing the knowledge of  Siddha medicine
  5. To make awareness on management of health through Siddha Medicine to the public and school students.
  6. To grow awareness on Siddha Medical system to the Public


“Healthy life through Siddha Medicine”

Tracks of the International Research Conference-2020

  1. Complementary Alternative Medicine (Siddha/ Ayureda/ Unani /Acupuncture/ Homeopathy) &Traditional System of Medicine
  2. Herbal ,Thathu (mineral metal ) & Animal product
  3. Manuscriptology & Medical Astrology
  4. Yoga

VenueUnit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna.


  • Exhibition will be held from 5th March to 8th March 2020
  • Pre-Conference Workshop will be held on 6th March 2020.
  • Conference will be held from 7th March to 8th March 2020 .

Registration fees:

Details Early bird Registration Spot registration
Local (Rs.) Foreign ($) Local (Rs.) Foreign ($)
Conference 4000.0 50.00 5000.00 75.00
Pre-conference workshop 1000.00 1000.00
Workshop and Conference 4500.00 50.00 5500.00 75.00
Student presenter 2000.00 30.00 2500.00 40.00
Student Participant 1000.00 20.00 1500.00 25.00

Office bearers

Chairperson               : Head/ Siddha Medicine (Dr. (Mrs) T. Thileepan)

Convener                   : Dr. (Mrs). A. Sritharan

Secretary                    : Dr. T. Vijayakumar

Treasurer                   : Dr. (Ms). V. Sanmugarajah

Editor                         : Dr. (Mrs). S. Pancharajah

Important dates

  • Submission of Abstract with Extended Abstract – on or before 31st January 2020
  • Notification of Acceptance – 15th February 2020
  • Early Bird Registration – 31st January – 15th February 2020
  • Late Registration –  16th February – 4th March 2020
  • Registration (desk) – 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th March 2020