Faculty of Siddha Medicine

Dr. (Mrs.) Anpuchelvy Sritharan

Dr (Mrs) Anpuchelvy SritharanB.S.M.S., M.D (Siddha Maruthuvam)
Senior Lecture Gr I
Tel: +94 212222537
Email : gsritharan09@gmail com


TeachingAcadamic QualificationResearch
Higher InstitutionPeriodMajor field of studyDegree
University of Jaffna  
Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R University
1989- 1995  
2000- 2003
Siddha Medicine  
General Medicine
B.S.M.S       (2ND class           upper division)
M.D (Doctor of Medicine)
Academic Qualification
Lecturer ( Probationary)
Senior Lecturer – Grade –II
Senior Lecturer – Grade- I
01.08. 1999 – 23. 11. 2003
24.11.2003  –  31.07 .2004
01.08 .2004 –    31.07.2010
01.08.2010 – up to date
Unit of Siddha Medicine
Unit of Siddha Medicine
Unit of Siddha Medicine
Unit of Siddha Medicine
Professional Records

Peer   Reviewed Journal   

  1. Dr. G. Sritharan & Dr. (Mrs.) S. Anpuchelvy. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Volume – 1 Issue No- 12   June -2015 “Clinical Evaluation of   Anti- Kiranthy    activity of Kiranthy oil”
  2. Anpuchely.S, G. Sritharan. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Volume – 1, Issue No- 13, July -2015, “Role of herbal hair oil in the management of hair loss.
  3. Cinthanai refereed Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna Volume XV, No -2 July 2015. “Effectiveness of Jaffna Medicinal plants used in Diabetic Mellitus” page – 24-27.

Full paper

  1. International Conference on Leading Beyond Horizon: Engaging Future organized by the Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu, India on 28 – 30 July 2011

1.1: Anpuchelvy .S, Sritharan. G, Study on  Eugenia Jambolana herbal   coffee .2011. p.211-213.

1.2: A.Sritharan, V.Sathiyaseelan   Evaluation of Efficacy and safety of Peenisa Hair oil in Peenisam (Allergic                  Rhinitis). 2011 p .291-293.

  1. Proceedings of the international conference on murugabhakthi 2014 2nd – 4th may 2014 Switzerland. “சித்த மருத்துவத் தத்துவத்தில் முருகப்பெருமானும் யாழ்ப்பாண வழிபாடும்” பக் 141- 145. க.ஸ்ரீதரன், சி.அன்புச்செல்வி
  2. International conference Jaffna University ,SriLanka 2014 18th -19th December 2014   S.Anpuchelvy ,  G.Sritharan  “ Usefulness of Shirodhara in the Management of   Hyperactive  Children”
  3. 9th International conference –Seminar on Tamil studies University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 2015. க.ஸ்ரீதரன், சி.அன்புச்செல்வி “தமிழ் வைத்தியத்தை யாழ்ப்பாணத்தில் வளர்ப்பதில் பங்காற்றியவர்கள் – ஆவண ஆய்வு” பக் 243- 244.
  4. Journal of Siddha Symposium Dept of Indigenous Medicine, Northern Province. 2012. “உடல் வேதனையில் களப்பன்னம் பிட்டின் செயற்றிறன் விவரண ஆய்வு. க.ஸ்ரீதரன்சி, அன்புச்செல்வி பக். 54-57
  5. Journal of Siddha Symposium Dept of Indigenous Medicine, Northern Province. 2012. “வளி அழல் கீல்வாயு நோயின் சிகிச்சை –ஆய்வுப் பார்வை . க.ஸ்ரீதரன் . சி.அன்புச்செல்வி பக். 105-111.

Conference (Abstracts)   Presentations

  1. Sritharan.A& Sritharan.G “Comparative study of Lipid profile in Dianova chooranam & Mathumega chorrnam in type II diabetes mellitus patients”. National Ayurveda Research Conference-2012.
  2. Sritharan.A& Sritharan.G “Study of herbal tea type II diabetic patients”National Ayurveda Research Conference-2012
  3. Sritharan.A“Role of herbal hair oil in the management of hair loss”. Gampaka Wickramarachi Institute of Ayurveda International conference 2012.
  4. Anpuchelvi.S-“jpUf;Nfhapy;fspD}lhf jw;fhy tho;tpaiy newpg;gLj;jy;–  A paper presented in Malasyia on 12.05.13
  5. Anpuchelvi.S“Comparitive study of efficacy of herbal face cream in the treatment of valcaris” at IIM, University of Colombo.
  6. Anpuchelvy.S, Sritharan .G, “The Role of Muslim in the development of Siddha MedicineInternational Symposium on Language and Society of Tamil Speaking  Muslims -2009 at South Eastern  University of Srilanka, Oluvil  p.20.21.
  7. Sritharan .A, Sritharan .G, A Review of Jaffna Tamil Medical Books World Classical Tamil Conference Kovai- 2010
  8. Sritharan. A, Srikanthan M.C, “Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of Athisarachoornum in Athisaram(Diarrhoea)” 4th World Ayurvedic Congress Arogya  Expo  9- 13 , December 2010, Bengaluru, Karnataka.  p  158.
  9. Anpuchelvy.S  “Hypoglycemic effect of Murraya  koengii leaves and  Gymnema sylvestre ”International Symposium on Post- War Economic Development through Science, Technology and Management Language-2011 at South Eastern  University of Srilanka, Oluvil.p. 68.
  10. Sritharan .A, Sritharan .G,  “Importance of quality control and drug safety   in herbal product”. 3rd International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Products 19th – 21st December 2011 at Colombo, SriLanka. p S1
  11. Sritharan .A“Evaluation of Anti-Dandruff Activity of Poly Herbal Hair Oil”  International Conference on Leading Beyond Horizon: Engaging Future organized by the Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu, India on 28 – 30 July 2011 p .246-247.
  12. Anpuchelvy .S, Sritharan, G, “Study on  Eugenia Jambolana herbal   Coffee”.International Conference on Leading Beyond Horizon: Engaging Future organized by the Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu, India on 28 – 30 July 2011 . p.211-213.
  13. Anpuchelvy .S “Usefulness of Polyherbal Face cream for the treatment of  acne vulgaris”Proceeding  of Jaffna  Science Association  16th Annual Sessions 10 -12 June 2009  Jaffna
  14. Anpuchelvy.S, “A Preliminary Study on the efficacy of Dianova on Diabetes Mellitus Type – II Patients”Proceeding  of Jaffna  Science Association  17th Annual Sessions 21 -23April  2010 Jaffnap.31.
  15. Sritharan.G, Anpuchelvy .S, “ Effect of Cassia Auriculata Hot  Infusion   (Herbal Tea) on Mathumekam   (Diabetic Patients – A Pilot Study “ Proceeding  of Jaffna  Science Association  17th Annual Sessions 21-23 April  2010 Jaffna      p.32.
  16. Anpuchelvy.S,Efficacy of “Gyanaco” a poly herbal syrup, in the management of menorrhagia”Proceeding ofJaffna  Science Association  18th Annual Sessions 06 -08 April  2011 Jaffnap. 21.
  17. Anpuchelvy .S,  “Usefulness of Thalisathy Churnum in Cold” Annual Research Conference (ARC- 2010 ) of  University ofJaffna. 15th November 2010. p.49.                                                                           
  18. Sritharan. A, Srikanthan M.C., “Study of herbal preparation ( Diabetic  herbal tea )  on Type- II Diabetic mellitus Patients”  National AyurvedicResearch Conference  SriLanka,  Navina  20th January 2012 ,p 65.
  19. “Usefulness of Suramol in Chikungunya patients”. The Antiseptic  Vol. 107 No 8 August 2010  page 408- 409 – Referee Journal
  20. ehd;fhtJ midj;Jyf irt rpj;jhe;j khehl;Lf; fUj;juq;F kyh; – njhFjp-3 jUkGuk; Mjpdk;> midj;Jyf irtrpj;jhe;j Muhr;rp epWtdk;> jUkGuk;> kapyhLJiw jkpo;ehL – ,e;jpah 2008.
  21. “ irtrpj;jhe;jKk; rpj;jkUj;JtKk; – Xh; ,yf;fpa Ma;T rpe;jid – fiyg;gPlk;> aho;. gy;fiyf;fofk;.”;
  22. “fWg;Gj; JhSk; mjpy; Nrh; jhJ> jhtug; nghUl;fSk; -Xh; Ma;Tg;  ghh;it“ey;iyf;Fkud; kyh; KUf topghLk; aho;g;ghz rpj;jkUj;JtKk; gw;wpa ,yf;fpa Ma;T -2008.
  23. csg; ghjpg;gpypUe;J tpLjiy ngw Mya jhprdk; cjTfpwJ – 2010.
  24. Sritharan.A  and G. Sritharan “ Clinical evaluation of herbal medicine preparation in the treatment of cough”  . 3rd International conference Eastern University, Sri Lanka 2014 4th -5th December 2014.
  25. S.Anpuchelvy, G.Sritharan, “Study on the effects of a medicated  oil in the management of chronic wounds” 3rd International Confrence on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha. & Traditional medicine 2015.
  26. க.ஸ்ரீதரன், சி.அன்புச்செல்வி “தமிழ் வைத்தியத்தை யாழ்ப்பாணத்தில் வளர்ப்பதில் பங்காற்றியவர்கள் – ஆவண ஆய்வு” ஒன்பதாவது உலகத்தழிழ் ஆராய்ச்சி மாநாடு மலாயப் பல்கலைக்கழகம் கோலாம்பூர் 2015, பக் 243- 244.
  27. Sritharan. A, Sritharan.G, “ A comparative clinical trial on the role of panchakarma therapy and Paruthi Ilaisatu oil in the cases of Insomnia” Journal of  Siddha Symposium – 2015  Northern Province p 64- 71.