Faculty of Siddha Medicine

Dr(Mrs).Sivagnanamany PancharajahDAMS(Hons)(Sri Lanka), M.Ac.F, M’Phil(SriLanka), Reading PhD
Senior Lecturer Gr. I
Tel:+94 21 2057146


Admin Role

  • Head / Siddha Medicine From 02.08.2004 to 31.07.2010.
  • Acting Head                                                                                                                                                                                    One month from 21.12.2001 to 21.01.2002                                                                                                                              One week from 01.01.2003 to 06.01.2003.
  • Students Counselor to the Unit of Siddha Medicine.                                                                                                              From 14.09.2001 to 30.06.2002                                                                                                                                              From 26.04.2004 to 31.10.2004
  • Member of the Standing Committee of Indigenous Medicine at UGC from 2007 to 2010.
  • Appointed as a Member of Ayurveda Medical Council from 2007 to 2010.
  • Part – Time Warden to the Female Hostel adjoining to the Siddha Medicine From 15.02.2007 to 15.02.2011.
  • Senior Treasurer in Siddha Medical Students’ Union.

Academic Year 1989 /1990

Academic Year 1995 /1996

Academic Year 2013 /2014

  • Member of Faculty Board of Arts from 1987 up to 1991.
  • Member of an Advisory Board for Siddha Medicine in 1995.
  • Member of Board of Study of Medical Science from 2004.to 2013.
  • Member of Ethical Committee from 2004 to 2008.
  • Member of Board of Management of Siddha Medicine.
  • Reviewer to the 3- member review panel in order to review the Proposal for Postgraduate degree Course of Doctor of Medicine in Ayurveda M.D(Ayu), Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo in 2011.
  • Reviewer to the 4- member review panel for the Insitutional Review at the Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya in 2010.
  • Reviewer to the 3- member review panel for the Programme review at the Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya in 2012.



I) Udatkootiyal(Anatomy) –   1st BSMS & 2nd BSMS  –  Since 1986 (Lectures, Tutorials and Practical)

II) Chikitsai   –   3rd BSMS    –   From 1988 to 2000 (Lecture III)

III) Maruthuvavaralarum Inthuthathuvangalum –1st BSMS From1987 to 1994 (Lectures

IV) Aruwai Maruthuvam  Final BSMS –  Since 1993. (Lectures, Tutorials and Seminars).

V) Noinadal Chikitsai (Sirappu)   – 4th BSMS    – 1989 (Lectures)


Postgraduate Supervision.

Supervised Two Years Postgraduate Degree (M.Phil) programme.

  1. “Management of Gunma Roga by Siddha Physician and Efficacy of the Drugs used by them”.

By – Dr(Mrs).Thayalini Thileepan

2. “The study of traditional systems in dealing with psychosocial problems in

By –  Dr.Vallipuram Anavarathan

  1. “Efficacy of Mudakku Churanam and Sivappukukil oil on the Management of Azhal Keel Vayu.”

By – Dr (Mrs.) Vigitha Paheerathan




  • Management of Diarrhoea by Siddha Physician and in depth study of antidiarrhoeal drugs used by them.
  • Jointly Written an Article on “Bilateral Variation of the Arterial pattern of the Upper Limbs in a Cadavar” for the Journal ‘Anatomical Adjuncts’ of the Association of Anatomists, Tamil Nadu.
  • Written an Article on “Development of Siddha Medicine in Srilanka and its usefulness in the society” for the Journal ‘Pokisham’ authored by Thulirghal non Government Organization.
  • “Ruj;Jf;F rpj;j gupfhuk;”;(Siddha Management for Fever)…submitted to the Dept. of Ayurveda to publish.


  • Presented abstract papers
    • Pancharajah.S, Sivakanesan.R; “Antioxidant Activity of Bark, Root, Flower, Leaf and Unripe fruit of Cassia auriculata”; 1st International Conference on Unani, Ayurveda, Siddha and Traditional Medicine ; (2013).
    •  Vijitha Paheerathan, Sivagnanamany Pancharajah; “Efficacy of Pinda oil on Azhal keel vayu (Osteoarthiritis of the knee joint)” National Conference on Unani, Ayurveda, Siddha and Traditional Medicine in BMARI, Navinna; (2012).
    •  Vijitha Paheerathan, Sivagnanamany Pancharajah; “Efficacy of Mudakku Churanam and Sivappu kukkil oil on Azhal keel vayu (Osteoarthiritis of the knee joint)” 1st International Conference on Unani, Ayurveda, Siddha and Traditional Medicine; (2013).
    •  Vijitha Paheerathan, Sivagnanamany Pancharajah; “Efficacy of Mudakku Churanam on obesity” 1st International Conference on Unani, Ayurveda, Siddha and Traditional Medicine; (2013).
    •  Vijitha Paheerathan, Sivagnanamany Pancharajah; “Efficacy of Mudakku Churanam on Osteoarthiritis of the knee joint”  1st International Conference, in Eastern University of Sri Lanka; (2013).
    • Pancharajah.S, Sivakanesan.R; “Total phenolic content of Bark, Root, Flower, Leaves and Unripe fruit of Cassia auriculata stored for three months under different conditions”; iPURSE University of Peradeniya; Volume 18; (2014).
    • Pancharajah.S, Sivakanesan.R; “Effect of Storage conditions and methods of Extraction in Antioxidant capacity of different parts of Cassia auriculata plant”; PGIS Research Congress University of Peradeniya; (2014).
    • Pancharajah.S, Sivakanesan.R; “Ferric Reducing Power of Aqueous extracts of Bark, Root, Flower, Leaves and Unripe fruit of Cassia auriculata under different storage conditions”;  iCAUST, 2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine 2014, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya.
    • Sulosana.P, Pancharajah.S; “Study of antdiarrhoeal drugs and common herbs used by Siddha physicians”; iCAUST, 2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine 2014, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya.
    • V.Paheerathan, S.Pancharajah; “A study of causative and aggravating factors of the Azhal keel vayu”; iCAUST, 2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine 2014,Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya.
    • Thayalini.T, Sivagnanamany.P; “Study of drugs for Gunma roham used by Siddha physicians in the Jaffna District”; National Conference of Indigenous systems of Medicine – 2015; Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute, Navinna.
    • Sulosana.P, Pancharajah.S; “Anupanam(Vehicle) used by Siddha physicians to administer the drugs in Kalichal(Diarrhoea)”; iCAUST, 2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine 2015, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya.
    • T.Sabesan, Ajila.N,S.Pancharajah; “Management of Murivu Nerivu by Traditional physician”; iCAUST, 2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine 2015, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya.




  • “Ayurveda Vaidya Sironmany” –Ministry of Indigenous Medicine- April 2011
  • 25 years services award from the Department of Ayurveda, Naawinna
  • 25 years services award from the University of Jaffna.




Participation in Staff Development Programme

  • Participated in the Workshop on Curriculum Development for University Teachers, sponsored by WHO and conducted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna from 4th – 8th July 1988.
  • Participated a Training Workshop on “Development of Protocols on Diabetes for clinical trial of Ayurvedic drugs”, organized by National Science Foundation Research Committee on 24th June 2003.
  • Participated as a Resource Person in the workshop to identify the problems and training needs for Siddha and Unani sections organized by National Institute of Traditional Medicine in 5th of July 2005.
  • Followed a Certificate Course on Herbal Drug Standardization Techniques in 2010.
  • Followed an International Certificate Course on Laboratory Animal Science programmed based on FELASA Cat. C, conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo in collaboration with the Utreeht University, The Netherlands in 2011.
  • Participated in the workshop on Research Methodology conducted by Jaffna Science Association, Section “C” in 2011
  • Participated in the workshop on Scientific Writing conducted by PGIS, University of Peradeniya in 2011
  • Participated in the International Ayurveda Symposium – Ayurveda Expo 2011
  • Participated in Skills Development Workshop for young Scientists in 2010
  • Attend a work shop in “Personality Development and Positive Attitudes” in 2005.
  • Participated in the workshop on Developing National Guidelines for protection of Animal Participants in research, conducted by the forum of Ethics Review Committees in Sri Lanka in 2008.
  • Attended a five day training programme on “Introduction to Counseling skills” facilitated by Samutthana & UK- Sri lanka Trauma Groupin 2008
  • Participated in the workshop in “An Introduction to HPLC & its Applications in Natural Products Analysis” organized by Palmyrah Research Institute (PRI), Kandy Road, Kaithady, Jaffna; 2014
  • Attended the Re-Orientation Workshop for former Institutional Reviewers, organized by Quality Assurance Consultant/HETC Project, Ministry of Higher Education on 29th July 2015.


Creative work.

  • Submitted a Project Plan to establish a Herbal garden in Kalmadu Nagar to the A.G.A Kandavalai.
  • Organized Herbal Garden design competition among the Siddha students in September 2005 which is sponsored by Mr.R.Sarvananther, U.K.
  • Initiated and conducted three Free Medical Camps at Kaithady centre, Kallikadu and Annaikoddai with “Spirulina” Food supplement and Siddha Drugs donated by St John’s Ambulance.
  • Initiated to prepare Herbal Infusion Powder for epidemic outbreak of Chikun Gunya at the Unit of Siddha Medicine. G.A Jaffna to provide fund for the preparation of Medicine and issued Raw materials (50,000 /= ) for the preparation of Medicine.
  • Initiated and conducted Free Medical Camps at various places for epidemic outbreak of Chikun Gunya in the Jaffna District. The patients benefited by our prepared medicine.


Institutional  Development.

  • Participated in the Curriculum workshop of Unit of Siddha Medicine on 5th and 6th of August 2004 to revise the syllabus.
  • Participated in the workshop on writing QEF initial proposal in 2004.
  • Submitted a Foundation Project proposal to establish a Herbal garden to aid Education, Training, Physical enhancement and Resource for Herbal production in the Unit of Siddha Medicine in June 2005 under the scheme of Improving Relevance & Quality of Undergraduate Education  and Employment creation Project to SCOT (Standing Committee of Tamil Speaking People) in U.K. This Proposal has been approved by the SCOT in U.K and awarded £2500.
  • Instrumented to establish the Anatomy Laboratory in the Unit of Siddha Medicine in 1989. Before 1989 the Anatomy lectures and Practical work conducted by the lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna. Conduction of Lectures, Practical (Dissection), Preparation of Specimens and related work have been carried out in the laboratory since 1989. The Anatomy laboratory was fully equipped till 2000. The Models and other laboratory equipments were lost due to war situation prevailed in 2000 at Thenmaradchchi. Fresh models were purchased and once again the laboratory is fully equipped and practical are conducted as before.


Activities Outside  the Department.

  • Member of Kaithady Hospital Development Board since 2004.
  • Life member of Jaffna Science Association since 1998.
  • Participated in the COMSTA Medical camp at the Siddha Teaching Hospital in
  • Delivered Lectures on “Concept of food and Nutrition in Siddha Medicine” to the Teachers of Palaly Training College on the basis of fundamentals of Siddha Medicine, Medicinal values, Types of foods, Foods that has to be consumed in different season and climates and in diseases conditions arranged by Jaffna Science Association in 2000.
  • Delivered Lectures on “Medicinal Value of common food items and their use in Siddha Medicine” to the Teachers and Students of J/Hindu Ladies’ College arranged by Jaffna Science Association in 2001.
  • Executive member of section ‘C’ in Jaffna Science Association in 2002.
  • Delivered Lectures on Ayurvedic concept on Nutrition to the students following Diploma in Community Medicine of Medical Faculty in 2003.
  • Coordinator for writing QEF initial Proposal in 2004.
  • Appointed as a Examiner for the written examination of Fracture to the Traditional Physicians for their registration at the Ayurvedic Council.
  • Appointed as a member of Board of Interview for the Recruitment of Nurses & Pharmacists to Indigenous Medicine.
  • Appointed as a Member of the panel to evaluate the research plan of the applicant for M.Phil in Natural Products. Title:- “Isolation and purification of anti-bacterial and anti-dipterans compounds from Medicinal Plants”.
  • Resource person in the seminar in awareness of Indigenous Medicine for the Traditional Physician, conducted by the Provincial department of Indigenous Medicine in 2011.
  • Delivered Lectures on “Structure of the Male and Female Genital system” to the Students of J/Driberk College, Chavakachcheri on 21st of October 2014.
  • Chairman of Panel for the Siddha Symposium & Exhibition – 2015, organized by the Dept. of Indigenous Medicine, Northern Province.
  • Appointed as a Visiting lecturer for Anatomy to the First BSMS students at Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee campus, EUSL.